Mandiri Syariah / syariahmandiri.co.id |
PT Bank Syariah Mandiri - BSM or known as "Mandiri Syariah" is a leading sharia bank in Indonesia. Headquartered in Jakarta, Mandiri Syariah has 3 main products/services; financing products, funding products, and product services. As of December 2017, Mandiri Syariah offers services through more than 765 office networks and directly employs more than 15,659 employees. Mandiri Syariah also supported by more than 287,113 ATMs networks (BSM, Bank Mandiri, ATM Bersama, ATM Prima, MEPS). PT Bank Syariah Mandiri is a sharia banking subsidiary company of state-owned lender PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk (Bank Mandiri Group). At present, Bank Mandiri Group holds 99.999999% shares in Mandiri Syariah. Other remaining shares in Mandiri Syariah was owned by PT Mandiri Sekuritas.
According to information found in
PT Bank Syariah Mandiri Annual Report 2017 as cited by JobsCDC.com, Mandiri Syariah generally recorded a good performance in 2017. Mandiri Syariah booked total assets of Rp 87,940 billion in 2017. This total asset figures reflected an 11.55% increase year-on-year (YOY) from Rp 78,832 billion in 2016. Referring to its annual report, Mandiri Syariah managed to record a total net profit of Rp 365 billion in 2017. This number is up 12.31% YOY from Rp 324 billion in 2016.
To support its progressive growth and build the organizational capability,
PT Bank Syariah Mandiri now is seeking the candidates who are interested to learn and gaining hands-on experience in sharia banking industry
Consumer Financing Executive (CFE)
- Male or Female, maximum age of 27 years old.
- Minimum D3 in any field.
- Good looking.
- Physically and mentally healthy.
- Have own vehicle and driving license class C (SIM C).
- Placement in Lawang Malang East Java.
For more detail information, please refer official source from PT Bank Syariah Mandiri on following link below. Should you are interested and meet with the minimum qualification above, please send your comprehensive resume not later than 31 October 2019 to PT Bank Syariah Mandiri KC Lawang - Ruko Lawang View Tama Kav 3-4 - Jl Lawang Malang Phone 0341-423200. All applications will kept strictly confidential and only short-listed candidates will be contacted. (JobsCDC.com /
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