BEKRAF / bekraf.go.id |
Badan Ekonomi Kreatif Indonesia - BEKRAF is the Creative Economy Agency of Indonesia. BEKRAF is an independent government agency in Indonesia for creative economy which was formed to promote creative economy in Indonesia. BEKRAF is a non-ministerial government institution under and responsible to the President through a minister in charge of government affairs in the field of tourism. BEKRAF is responsible for creative economic development in Indonesia. BEKRAF is in charge of assisting the president in formulating, defining, coordinating and synchronizing policies in the creative economy. According to information found in BEKRAF's website as cited by JobsCDC.com, BEKRAF was first established in 2015 by President Joko Widodo through Presidential Regulation No 6 of 2015. Currently, Head of Creative Economy Agency is held by Triawan Munaf.
BEKRAF is based in Jakarta and its head office is registered at Ministry of SOE Building, 15th Floor Jl Merdeka Selatan No 13 Jakarta Pusat 10110.
Due to strengthen its team,
Badan Ekonomi Kreatif - Deputy for Infrastructure is pleased to announce the following vacancies for immediate recruitment.
Tim Pembantuan (Help Desk) untuk program Bantuan Pemerintah untuk Fasilitasi Revitalisasi Infrastruktur Fisik Ruang Kreatif 2019.
Available Positions
- Arsitek 2 positions
- Ahli Struktur Bangunan 2 positions
- Ahli MEP 2 positions
- Quantity Surveyor/ Cost Estimator 2 positions
- Drafter 2 positions
General Requirements
- Attach CV and Portfolio.
- Possess certificate of expertise (SKA), minimum SKA Muda for Arsitek, Ahli Struktur Bangunan, Ahli MEP, QS/CE and mastering 2D and 3D software for drafter.
- Willing to be assigned to various regions in Indonesia (maximum 3 days for each location).
- Willing to be called for an interview.
For further information, please refer official source from Badan Ekonomi Kreatif on following link below. If you feel you are the one who have those requirement above, please send your updated application to info.deputi3@bekraf.go.id with email subject:
Seleksi Tim Pembantuan (Helpdesk). Closing date 5 March 2019. Only qualified candidates will be contacted and invited to attend the selection process. (JobsCDC.com/
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