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BNPB / bnpb.go.id |
Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana - BNPB is the national agency for disaster management of the Republic of Indonesia. BNPB is a non-ministerial government agency in Indonesia which oversees disaster management affairs. BNPB is based in Jakarta and its head office registered at Jl Ir H Juanda No 36 Jakarta Pusat. The Organizational structure of BNPB comprise of Deputy Prevention & Preparedness, Deputy Emergency Management, Deputy for Rehabilitation & Reconstruction, and Deputy Logistics & Equipment.
According to information found in BNPB's website as cited by JobsCDC.com, BNPB was first established in 20 August 1945 and originally registered as Badan Penolong Keluarga Korban Perang (BPKKP) or the Agency for Assisting Families of War Victims. In 1966, the Government of Indonesia established Badan Pertimbangan Penanggulangan Bencana Alam Pusat (BP2BAP) or the Advisory Board of Central Natural Disaster Management. BNPB was established as a non-ministry government agency under the Presidential Decree No 8 of 2008 on the National Disaster Management Authority of Indonesia.
According to information found in BNPB's website as cited by JobsCDC.com, BNPB was first established in 20 August 1945 and originally registered as Badan Penolong Keluarga Korban Perang (BPKKP) or the Agency for Assisting Families of War Victims. In 1966, the Government of Indonesia established Badan Pertimbangan Penanggulangan Bencana Alam Pusat (BP2BAP) or the Advisory Board of Central Natural Disaster Management. BNPB was established as a non-ministry government agency under the Presidential Decree No 8 of 2008 on the National Disaster Management Authority of Indonesia.
Due to strengthen its team, Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana is pleased to announce the following vacancies for immediate recruitment
Penerimaan Calon Pegawain Negeri Sipil (CPNS) Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana 2018
Penerimaan Calon Pegawain Negeri Sipil (CPNS) Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana 2018
Analis Pembangunan dan Perumahan
Education background
- S1 degree in Economics Development, Spatial Planning, Civil Engineering, Development Studies (2 formations)
Education background
- S1 degree in Civil Engineering, Accounting, Communication Science, Architecture Engineering (3 formations)
- S1 degree in Civil Engineering (2 formations)
- S1 degree in Economics Development, Management (2 formations)
- S1 degree in Geomatics, Geodesy (2 formations)
- S1 degree in Geology, Civil Engineering, Economics (1 formation)
- S1 degree in Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering (1 formation)
- S1 degree in Geography (1 formation)
- S1 degree in Environmental Engineering, Public Health (2 formations)
- S1/D4 degree in Psychology, Civil Engineering, Economics, Social, Social Welfare (1 formation)
- S1 degree in Civil Engineering (1 formation)
- S1 degree in Management, Law, Civil Engineering, Accounting, Information System (1 formation)
- S1 degree in Accounting, Environmental Engineering, Law, Civil Engineering, Information System, Transportation, Management (3 formations)
- S1 degree in Civil Engineering, Economics Management (1 formation)
- S1 degree in Development Studies, Public Policy, Law, Sociology (1 formation)
- S1 degree in Environmental Engineering, Civil Engineering, Planology (1 formation)
- S1 degree in Regional Planning, Planology, Geodesy (1 formation)
- S1 degree in Public Policy (1 formation)
- S1 degree in Geography, Geodesy (2 formations)
- S1/D4 degree in Statistics (1 formation)
- S1/D4 degree in Environmental Health, Nursing Science (1 formation)
- S1 degree in Logistics Management, Management (1 formation)
- S1 degree in Economics Development, Agricultural Social Economics (2 formations)
- S1 degree in Public Health (1 formation)
Education background
- S1 degree in Statistics, Informatics Engineering, Management, Economics Science, Informatics System (2 formations)
- S1 degree in Informatics Engineering, Information System, Economics Science, Management, Statistics (1 formation)
- S1 degree in Economics (2 formations)
- S1 degree in Law, Economics (1 formation)
- S1 degree in Informatics Engineering, Information System (1 formation)
- S1 degree in Accounting, Management, Information System, Law (1 formation)
Education background
- S1 degree in Management, Information System, Informatics Engineering, Statistics, Economics Science (1 formation)
- S1 degree in Management, Statistics, Informatics Engineering, Information System, Economics Science (1 formation)
Education background
- S1 degree in Economics (2 formations)
Education background
- S1/D4 degree in State Administration, Law Science, International Relations, Government Science, English Literature, Social Political Science (2 formations)
- S1/D4 degree in International Relations, English Literature, State Administration, Law Science, Government Science, Social Political Science (2 formations)
Education background
- S1 degree in Public Administration, Law (1 formation)
Education background
- D3 degree in Administration, Management (1 formation)
Education background
- S1/D4 degree in Human Resource Management, Accounting Management, Management, Marketing Management, Logistics Management, Financial Management (1 formation)
- S1/D4 degree in Marketing Management, Logistics Management, Human Resource Management, Management, Accounting Management, Financial Management (1 formation)
- S1/D4 degree in Financial Management, Accounting Management, Marketing Management, Human Resource Management, Logistics Management, Management (2 formations)
Education background
- S1 degree in Architecture, Civil Engineering (4 formations)
- S1 degree in Architecture, Civil Engineering (2 formations)
Education background
- S1 degree in Architecture, Civil, Environmental Engineering, Planology (2 formations)
Education background
- D3 degree in Economics, Logistics Management (1 formations)
- D3 degree in Logistics Management, Economics (1 formations)
- D3 degree in Economics, Logistics Management (1 formations)
Education background
- S1 degree in Law (1 formation)
Education background
- S1 degree in Management (2 formations)
Education background
- D3 degree in Office Administration, Archivist, Secretary (5 formations)
Education background
- S1 degree Planology, Civil Engineering (2 formations)
Education background
- S1 degree in English Literature, English Language (1 formation)
- S1 degree in Arabic Literature, Arabic Language (1 formation)
Education background
- D3 degree in Nutrition, Health (1 formations)
- D3 degree in Informatics Engineering, Computer Science, Informatics Management (1 formation)
Education background
- D3 degree in Informatics Management (1 formation)
- D3 degree in Informatics Management (2 formations)
Education background
- S1 degree in Administration, Education, Sociology (1 formation)
- S1 degree in Education, Administration, Sociology (2 formations)
Education background
- S1 degree in Logistics Management, Economics (1 formation)
Education background
- S1 degree in Economics, Administration (3 formations)
Education background
- D3 degree in Management, Administration, Mechanical Engineering (1 formation)
- D3 degree in Mechanical Engineering, Administration, Management (1 formation)
Education background
- D3 degree in Public Relations (2 formations)
Education background
- S1 degree in Computer Science, Statistics, Mathematics (2 formations)
Education background
- S1 degree in Geodesy Engineering, Geology, Geography (2 formations)
Education background
- D3 degree in Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems, Geography (2 formations)
Education background
- D3 degree in Mechanical Engineering (1 formation)
Education background
- D3 degree in Mechanical Engineering (1 formation)
Education background
- D3 degree in Electricity Engineering, Electronics (2 formations)
Education background
- D3 degree in Civil Engineering (2 formations)
Education background
- S2 degree in Social, Education (2 formations)
Education background
- S1 degree in Accounting, Management (2 formations)
- S1 degree in Accounting, Management (2 formations)
Education background
- D3 degree in Accounting, Management (3 formations)
- D3 degree in Accounting, Management (3 formations)
Note : to learn about CPNS test using Computer Assisted Test (CAT) system, please register here.
For more detail information on the requirement, how to apply, please refer official source from Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana on following link below. To apply for, please register directly through SSCN e-recruitment website with link as follow sscn.bkn.go.id. Online registration will open on 26 September 2018 and close on 10 October 2018. Applications received after these dates will not be considered. All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially. Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process. (JobsCDC.com/Source)
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