PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk - PT HM Sampoerna Tbk (IDX:HMSP) or referred to as "HM Sampoerna" is a leading tobacco company in Indonesia. Based in Surabaya East Java., HM Sampoerna is a producers of the best-known kretek (clove) cigarette brand families such as Dji Sam Soe, Sampoerna A, Sampoerna Kretek, and Sampoerna U. HM Sampoerna is member of Philip Morris International family. To date, PT HM Sampoerna Tbk is 92.75% owned by Philip Morris International through PT Phillip Morris Indonesia and 7.25% by general public. HM Sampoerna is recognized as one of the largest tobacco producers in Indonesia as its controls about 33.4% share of market of the Indonesian cigarette market.
At the end of 2016, HM Sampoerna runs its business through 7 production plants. HM Sampoerna also supported by 38 Third Party Operators (TPOs) and 9 subsidiaries; PT Perusahaan Dagang dan Industri Panamas, PT Union Sampoerna Dinamika, PT Wahana Sampoerna, PT Harapan Maju Sentosa, PT Persada Makmur Indonesia, PT Handal Logistik Nusantara, PT Taman Dayu and Sampoerna International Pte. Ltd. HM Sampoerna sells and distributes cigarettes through a total of 105 sales offices throughout Indonesia.
According to PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk Annual Report 2016 as cited by, HM Sampoerna maintain consistency in making positive performance in the business year of 2016. HM Sampoerna registered total net sales of Rp95.46 trillion in 2016. This number is up 7.18% from Rp89.06 trillion in 2015. Referring to its annual report, PT HM Sampoerna Tbk booked total comprehensive income attributable to owners of the parent of Rp12.53 trillion. This number is up 21% from the previous year of Rp10.35 trillion.
To assist in the growth and expansion of the company, PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk are seeking for suitably qualified and professional candidates to join as :
Sampoerna Graduate Trainee 2018 in Commercial Department
- Job Code 1761
At the end of 2016, HM Sampoerna runs its business through 7 production plants. HM Sampoerna also supported by 38 Third Party Operators (TPOs) and 9 subsidiaries; PT Perusahaan Dagang dan Industri Panamas, PT Union Sampoerna Dinamika, PT Wahana Sampoerna, PT Harapan Maju Sentosa, PT Persada Makmur Indonesia, PT Handal Logistik Nusantara, PT Taman Dayu and Sampoerna International Pte. Ltd. HM Sampoerna sells and distributes cigarettes through a total of 105 sales offices throughout Indonesia.
According to PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk Annual Report 2016 as cited by, HM Sampoerna maintain consistency in making positive performance in the business year of 2016. HM Sampoerna registered total net sales of Rp95.46 trillion in 2016. This number is up 7.18% from Rp89.06 trillion in 2015. Referring to its annual report, PT HM Sampoerna Tbk booked total comprehensive income attributable to owners of the parent of Rp12.53 trillion. This number is up 21% from the previous year of Rp10.35 trillion.
To assist in the growth and expansion of the company, PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk are seeking for suitably qualified and professional candidates to join as :
Sampoerna Graduate Trainee 2018 in Commercial Department
- Job Code 1761
- Background in Bachelor or Master Degree (S1/S2) in any field with minimum GPA of 3.00 for Bachelor Degree (S1) and 3.30 for Master Degree (S2).
- Maximum of 2 years work experience. For those who are going to graduate on 2018 are welcome to apply.
- English literacy, spoken and written.
- Strong problem solving skill, proven leadership and organizational savvy.
- Have solid communication and interpersonal abilities.
- Adaptive and have a good analytical thinking.
- Confident to interact with senior management team.
- Willing to be placed in all area in Indonesia
For Further information about Sampoerna Graduate Trainee 2018, please refer official source from PT HM Sampoerna Tbk on following link below. Interested candidates need to register online to All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially. Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process. ( / Source)
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