Indonesia Ferry / |
PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero) - Indonesia Ferry is a well-established state-owned transportation company in Indonesia with core business focus on sea transportation services. Headquartered in Jakarta, Indonesia Ferry operates primarily as an operator of roll-on/roll-off ferry transport services. PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero) is non listed state-owned company and is fully-owned by the government of Indonesia. The Company was established in 1973 and initially registered as Proyek ASDP Ferry (PASDF). PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero) was officially established in 2004. According to information found in the Company's website as cited by, Indonesia Ferry runs its business through 30 branch offices spread across Indonesia. Indonesia Ferry offer 180 ferries routes services through 135 Ro-Ro shop fleets, and 35 feries ports. The Company's head office is registered at Jl Jend Achmad Yani Kav 52A, Jakarta 10510.
To support its progressive growth and build the organizational capability, PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero) are now seeking to recruit high caliber and dynamic individuals for the following challenging positions as :
To support its progressive growth and build the organizational capability, PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero) are now seeking to recruit high caliber and dynamic individuals for the following challenging positions as :
- Staf Bisnis Penyeberangan - Code : PBP
- Staf Bisnis Pelabuhan - Code : PBPL
- Staf Bisnis Penunjang - Code : PBPN
- Staf Pemasaran dan Pengembangan Bisnis - Code : PPPB
- Staf Layanan dan Jaminan Kualitas - Code : PLJK
- Staf Fasilitas - Code : PF
- Staf Teknologi Informasi - Code : PTI
- Staf Operasional - Code : PO
- Staf Teknik Kapal - Code : PTKA
- Staf Teknik Pelabuhan (S1) - Code : PTP
- Staf K2L - Code : PK2L
- Staf Sumber Daya Manusia - Code : PSDM
- Staf Manajemen Resiko - Code : PMR
- Staf Pengelolaan Rantai Pasok - Code : PRP
- Staf Keuangan - Code : PKEU
- Staf Akuntansi - Code : PA
- Staf Manajemen Aset dan Asuransi - Code : PASS
- Staf Perencanaan Strategis Perusahaan dan Transformasi - Code : PPSPT
- Staf Satuan Pengawasan Intern - Code : PSPI
- Staf UAJ & kerjasama - CUAJ
- Staf Usaha Pelabuhan & Penyebrangan (Diploma)- Code : CUPP
- Staf Umum (Diploma) - Code : CUM
- Staf Teknik Pelabuhan (Diploma) - Code : CTP
General Requirements :
- Indonesian citizen (WNI) with the maximum age of 28 years old before 15 March 2018.
- Single.
- Physically and mentally healthy and drugs free.
- Willing to be placed in all work area of PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero).
- Graduated from a reputable university with accreditation A / Balai Transportasi.
For more detail information on the requirement, please refer official source from PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero) on following link below. Interested candidates need to register online to (5 - 14 January 2018). All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially. Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process. (
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