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BPN / bpn.go.id |
Due to strengthen its team, Kementerian Agraria dan Tata Ruang / Badan Pertanahan Nasional Republik Indonesia is pleased to announce the following vacancies for immediate recruitment
Penerimaan Pegawai Tidak Tetap (PTT) Di Lingkungan Kantor Wilayah Badan Pertanahan Nasional Provinsi Sumatera Utara Tahun Anggaran 2018
Asisten Khusus Verifikator Berkas (Code : AVB)
- Minimum Associate Degree (D3) in Administration, Management, Law, Computer, Economics.
- 35 positions available.
- Minimum Senior High School (SMA) or equivalent.
- 97 positions available.
- Minimum Senior High School (SMA) or equivalent.
- 59 positions available.
- Minimum Associate Degree (D3) in Computer.
- 3 positions available.
- Female.
- Minimum Associate Degree (D3) in any field.
- Good looking, neat, friendly, polite and able to communicate well.
- 6 positions available.
- Indonesian citizens (WNI);
- Minimum age of 19 years and maximum 30 years old on 1 January 2018;
- Education in accordance with those specified in the special requirements;
- Well behaved and healthy;
- Good looking, neat, friendly, and polite;
- Computer literate;
- Able to work independently or in teams;
- Able to work under pressure and target time;
- Never dismissed with respect as an employee of a government or private institution, and is not a party official and / or member of a political party;
- Applicant Candidates may only enroll in one type of job title and one work unit.
For more detail information on the requirement, how to apply, please refer official source from BPN on following link below. To apply for this opportunity, please register and apply to BPN Career Website https://pttsumut2018-2.atrbpn.go.id (22 - 24 December 2017). All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially. Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process. (JobsCDC.com/Source)
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