BPJS Kesehatan - Recruitment D3, S1 PTT BPJS Kesehatan November 2017

BPJS / career-bpjs-kesehatan.urbanhire.com
Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial Kesehatan - BPJS Kesehatan is the national health social security agency of Indonesia. BPJS Kesehatan is an Indonesia state-agency which was established by the Government of Indonesia to implement the health social security program in Indonesia. Based in Jakarta, BPJS Kesehatan operates primarily as a Social Security Provider for Health in Indonesia. BPJS Kesehatan was formed on 31 December 2011 to replace the function of PT Asuransi Kesehatan Indonesia (Persero) or ASKES, the state-owned health-cate insurance in Indonesia. BPJS Kesehatan was formed under the laws of the Republic of Indonesia No 24 of 2011. BPJS Kesehatan offer services through more than127 branch offices, 388 operational offices and 2,042 BPJS Kesehatan centers spread in all over Indonesia. Its head office is registered at Jl Letjend Suprapto Kav 20 No 14 Cempaka Putih, Jakarta Pusat 10510.

According to BPJS Kesehatan Financial Report 2016 as cited by JobsCDC.com, BPJS Kesehatan registered total assets of Rp 12,167.65 billion in 2016 as compared with Rp 12,150.12 billion in 2015. Referring to its financial report, BPJS Kesehatan registered total contribution revenue of Rp 67,404.01 billion in 2016 or increase from Rp 52,691.11 billion in 2015. Total participants as of September 2017 amounted to 180,772,917 participants.

To support its progressive growth and build the organizational capability, Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial Kesehatan (BPJS Kesehatan) is seeking urgently qualified candidates of employee for the position of

Pegawai Tidak Tetap (PTT)

  • Education background
    • Bachelor Degree (S1) in Management, Marketing, Accounting, Public Health, Nursing, Law, Medical, Information System, Pharmacist, Communication.
    • Diploma Degree (D3) in Information System, Management, Marketing, Accounting, Pharmaceutical, Nursing.
  • Not exceed 25 years of age for D3 and 27 for S1 by October 2017.
  • Minimum accreditation B BAN-PT.
  • Minimum GPA of 2.75 (PTN) and 3.00 (PTS).
  • Single/not married.
Application should contains the below documents :
  1. Application letter, addressed to Kepala BPJS Kesehatan Cabang Jember;
  2. Curriculum Vitae/CV (please write your marital status);
  3. Copy of KTP;
  4. Photograph 4x6 (2 sheets);
  5. Legalized copy of diploma;
  6. Legalized copy of transcript;
  7. Copy of working reference (if any);
  8. Copy of accreditation certificate (can be downloaded from BAN-PT website);
  9. Copy of SKCK.
For more detail information, please refer official source from BPJS Kesehatan on following link below. To apply for this opportunity, please come in person and bring all required application documents above to Kantor BPJS Kesehatan Cabang Jember - Jl Jawa No 55 Sumbersari Kabupaten Jember. All applications close on 28 November 2017, 17.00 WIB. All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially. Only candidates that meet the above qualification will be shortlisted. (JobsCDC.com / Source)

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