PT Pertamina (Persero) / |
Pertamina booked positive growth in 2016. Pertamina registered total crude oil production of 311.56 MBOPD in 2016. This total crude oil production number is up 11.9% from 278.37 MBOPD in 2015. Pertamina booked total net profit of US$3.15 billion in 2016 or up 121.6% as compared with US$1.42 billion in 2015, according to PT Pertamina (Persero) Annual Report 2016 as cited by Referring to its annual report, Total assets in 2016 grew by 4% to US$47.23 billion from US$45.52 billion in 2015.
In order to strengthen its business fundamentals, PT Pertamina (Persero) is seeking urgently qualified candidates of employee for the position of
Chief Engineer (ATT I) - Batch 3 2017 ( PMSSHP1714 )
- Possess COC and COP and has been re-validated and meets the requirements in accordance with STCW 78 amendments Manila 2010 (BOCT, BLGT, AOT, ALGT, ECDIS, IMDG).
- Experience on tanker as Master / Chief Engineer Minimum for at least 2 years.
- Maximum age of 45 years old.
- Possess COC and COP and has been re-validated and meets the requirements in accordance with STCW 78 amendments Manila 2010 (BOCT, BLGT, AOT, ALGT, ECDIS, IMDG).
- Experience on tanker as Master / Chief Engineer Minimum for at least 2 years.
- Maximum age of 45 years old.
- Possess COC and COP and has been re-validated and meets the requirements in accordance with STCW 78 amendments Manila 2010 (BOCT, BLGT, AOT, ALGT, ECDIS, IMDG).
- Experience on tanker as Master / Chief Engineer Minimum for at least 2 years.
- Maximum age of 45 years old.
- COC and COP and has been re-validated and meets the requirements in accordance with STCW 78 amendment Manila 2010 and comes from Diploma IV.
- Experience in Minimal tanker for the past 1 year.
- Maximum age of 35 years old.
For more detail information on the requirement, please refer official source from PT Pertamina (Persero) on following link below. To apply for this opportunity please register and sign in to Pertamina e-recruitment website with link as follow All applications close on 13 October 2017. Only qualified candidates will be contacted and invited to attend the selection process. ( / Source)
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