Pelindo 3 / |
PT Berlian Jasa Terminal Indonesia - PT BJTI or referred to as BJTI Port is a Surabaya-based port services company with core business competencies in domestic container unloading at Berlian Terminal Tanjung Perak Port of Surabaya. PT Berlian Jasa Terminal Indonesia is a directly-owned subsidiary company of state-owned port operator PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III (Persero) or known as Pelindo 3 Group. At present, PT Berlian Jasa Terminal Indonesia is 96.84% owned by Pelindo 3 Group and 3.16% by KOPELINDO III. Originally registered as Divisi Usaha Terminal Serbaguna (DUTS) or Multipurpose Terminal Business Division of Pelindo 3 Group. The Company was established as a separate legal entity in 2002. PT Berlian Jasa Terminal Indonesia now has 6 subsidiary companies, namely PT Berlian Manyar Sejahtera (BMS), PT Berkah Kawasan Manyar Sejahtera (BKMS), PT Pelindo Property Indonesia (PPI), PT Terminal Curah Semarang (TCS), PT Terminal Nilam Utara (TNU), and PT Energy Manyar Sejahtera (EMS).
In term of financial performance, BJTI Port posted an increase of 0.92% in net revenues from Rp 924.30 billion in 2014 to Rp 932.81 billion in 2015. Total comprehensive income for the year decreased 16.21% from Rp 218.25 billion in 2014 to Rp 182.87 billion in 2015, according to PT Berlian Jasa Terminal Indonesia Annual Report 2015 as cited by
In term of financial performance, BJTI Port posted an increase of 0.92% in net revenues from Rp 924.30 billion in 2014 to Rp 932.81 billion in 2015. Total comprehensive income for the year decreased 16.21% from Rp 218.25 billion in 2014 to Rp 182.87 billion in 2015, according to PT Berlian Jasa Terminal Indonesia Annual Report 2015 as cited by
In order to strengthen its business fundamentals, PT Berlian Jasa Terminal Indonesia invites potential candidates who meet the following requirements to fill the positions of
Operator HMC (OHMC)
Operator HMC (OHMC)
- Male, Indonesian Citizen (WNI) with the maximum age of 35 years old on 30 October 2017.
- Minimum SMA or equivalent.
- Possess certification in SIO HMC class II.
- Have experience as Operator HMC.
- Male, Indonesian Citizen (WNI) with the maximum age of 35 years old on 30 October 2017.
- Preferably not married.
- Minimum SMK in Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Automotive Engineering or equvalent.
- The candidates with prior experience as heavy equipment mechanic/electrics is preferred.
- Computer literate, minimum Ms Office.
For more detail information, please refer official source from BJTI Port on following link below. If you meet these requirements, please send your updated CV not later than 5 November 2017 to Please write Name_Position Code in your subject line. Only candidates that meet the above qualification will be shortlisted. ( / Source)
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