PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk - Officer Development Program BTN October 2017

Bank BTN
Bank BTN /
PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk - Bank BTN is a reputable state-owned commercial bank in Indonesia. Bank BTN has strong business competencies on mortgage sengement. Bank BTN controls market share of between 33.57% in terms of mortgage loans segments in Indonesia as at the end of December 2016.  The Company was formed in 1897 during the Dutch Colonial era and originally registered as Postspaarbank. In 1950, the Bank renamed to Bank Tabungan Pos, and to Bank Tabungan Negara in 1963. Bank went public and conducted its initial public offering (IPO) on 17 December 2009. Bank BTN's shares were listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) under ticker code BBTN. Bank BTN is majority owned by the Government of Indonesia. Share ownerships composition as of 30 June 2017, comprise of the Government of Indonesia (60 percent) and public (40 percent). Based in Jakarta, Bank BTN now has 4 regional offices, 71 branch offices, 242 sub branch offices, 478 cash outlets, 65 sharia outlets, 39 priority outlets, and 1,951 ATMs spread across Indonesia.

Bank BTN’s performance in the first half of 2017 (1H 2017) showed a significant increase compared to 2016. Bank BTN posted Rp1,271 billion in net profits for the first half of 2017, a 21.95 percent increase from the same period of last year, according to Bank BTN Analyst Meeting Business & Financial Performances 30 June 2017 as cited by Bank BTN's total assets experienced growth of 18.23 percent to Rp224,067 billion in 1H 2017 from Rp189,513 billion in the same period previous year.

Due to facing fast business growth and expanding of business across Indonesia, PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk invites potential candidates who meet the following requirements to fill the positions of

Officer Development Program (ODP)

  • Indonesian citizens (WNI).
  • Male and Female.
  • Not married and willing not to marry during service bonds.
  • Maximum age 26 years (not yet 27th birthday in the current recruitment year).
  • Minimum S1 from reputable university / PTS with GPA min. 3.00 (4.00 scale), preferably majoring in Economics (Management, Accounting and Development Studies), Law (Civil and Criminal), Computer Science / Informatics Engineering, Engineering (Civil, Architecture, Electrical), Psychology and Statistics
  • Minimum height of 160 cm (Male) and 155 cm (Female).
  • Weight proportional and look attractive.
  • Willing to undergo office bond for 5 years.
Recruitment Area
  1. ODP Wilayah Bandung - Job Fair ITB 27-29 October 2017 (closing date 29 October 2017);
  2. ODP Wilayah Jakarta - October 2017 (closing date 31 October 2017);
  3. ODP Wilayah Malang - Job Fair Universitas Brawijaya 19-20 October 2017 (closing date 20 October 2017);
  4. ODP Wilayah Semarang - October 2017 (closing date 31 October 2017);
  5. ODP Wilayah Surabaya - October 2017 (closing date 31 October 2017);
For more detail information, please refer official source from PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk on following link below. To apply for this opportunity please register and sign in to Bank BTN e-recruitment website with link as follow : Application will be treated strictly confidential and only short-listed candidates will receive responses. ( / Source)

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