PT Bank BRISyariah - Campus Hiring Program SODP Batch VI BRISyariah October 2017

PT Bank BRISyariah
PT Bank BRISyariah /
PT Bank BRISyariah - BRIS (hereinafter referred to as "BRISyariah")  is a well-established sharia bank headquartered in Jakarta, Indonesia. BRISyariah was established in 2008 as a sharia Banking subsidiary of PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (BRI Group). At present,  PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk holds 99.999975% ownership of the Company’s shares. Other 0.000025% remaining shares was owned by Yayasan Kesejahteraan Pekerja BRI (YKP BRI). BRISyariah's head office is registered at Jl Abdul Muis No 2-4 Jakarta Pusat 10160. As of December 2016, BRISyariah runs its business through 52 branch offices, 206 sub-branch offices, 11 cash offices, and 1,044 sharia service offices in all parts of Indonesia.

BRISyariah succeeded in achieving acceptable and sound growth in 2016. According to PT Bank BRISyariah Annual Report 2016, BRISyariah recorded a growth of 14.27% in total assets amounted to Rp 27.69 trillion. BRISyariah's total assets in 2015 worth of Rp 24.23 trillion in 2015. Referring to its annual report, total operating income grew by 50.48% from the previous year, from Rp 158.98 billion to Rp 239.23 billion in 2016. Total net income went up by 38.78% from Rp 122.64 billion in 2015 to Rp 170.21 billion in 2016.

Due to facing fast business growth and expanding of business across Indonesia, PT Bank BRISyariah are currently seeking for highly qualified candidates to fill the following positions

Sharia Officer Development Program (SODP)

  • Applicants are S1 / S2 graduates of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta from all majors, except: Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary Medicine.
  • Have completed a study, by attaching an academic certificate or SKL and have strong academic results with minimum GPA of 3.00 (for S1) or 3.20 on a 4.00 grade scale (for S2).
  • Single/not married with maximum age of 25 years old (for S1) or 28 years old (for S2).
  • Minimum height of 165 cm (Male) and 158 (Female).
  • Have TOEFL-ITP (institutional testing program) with minimum score of 400.
  • Have a valid SKCK.
  • Willing to undergo bond department for 5 years since commencing trainee.
  • Initial placement as Account Officer.
  • Willing to be relocated in all office networks of BRISyariah throughout Indonesia. 
For more detail information about the program, please refer official source from UPKK Universitas Brawijaya on following link below. If you match the profile and are interested in this exiting career opportunity, please apply in confidence by filling online application form at or drop your CV to Bagian Kemahasiswaan UIN Syarif Hidayatullah. The closing date of application form submission is 25 October 2017. Campus Hiring will be held on 26 October 2017 at Ruang Diploma UIN Syarif Hidayatullah. All application will kept strictly confidential and only short-listed candidates will be contacted. ( / Source)

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