Statistic Indonesia / |
Badan Pusat Statistik - BPS or Statistics Indonesia is a central statistic agency of Indonesia. The Agency is a non-ministerial government agency in Indonesia which has the main task as a provider of basic statistical data, both the government and to the general public, both nationally and regionally. BPS is under and responsible directly to the President of Republic Indonesia. BPS is based in Jakarta and its head office is registered at Jl Dr Sutomo 6-8 Jakarta 10710. Badan Pusat Statistik now has 33 regional offices scattered in 33 provinces throughout Indonesia. BPS also supported by representative offices in all regency/city across the Country. Currently, the Head of BPS is Dr Suhariyanto. The Head of BPS is assisted by 5 deputy.
Due to strengthen its team, Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Balikpapan is seeking urgently qualified candidates of employee for the position of
- Petugas Kebersihan dan Pramubakti (CS)
- Keamanan Kantor/Satpam (SC)
- Indonesian Citizen (WNI)
- Deity to God Almighty.
- Have never been sentenced to imprisonment or confinement based on a court decision that has had a permanent legal force, for committing a criminal offense and well-behaved stated by SKCK from the local police office.
- Make and sign a statement as attached.
- Meet the requirements of educational qualifications appropriate to the job vacancy.
- Physically and mentally healthy
- Based on health certificate from Puskesmas / Regional General Hospital
- Not consuming / using narcotics, psychotropics and other addictive substances declared by drug free certificate from the hospital / doctor of government.
- Not demanding to be appointed CPNS / PNS.
- Preferably have work experience in the field.
- Male/Female.
- Maximum age of 45 years old on 31 December 2017.
- Minimum Senior High School (SMA) or equivalent.
- Good looking, not tattooed or pierced.
- Domiciled in Balikpapan.
- Required experience for minimum 2 years in the related field and have expertise certification for Petugas Keamanan Kantor / Satpam.
- Willing to follow the provisions of working hours specified in BPS Kota Balikpapan.
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