Hai apa kabar semuanya di hari ini kami akan update dan share lagi info lowongan kerja terbaru dari berbagai daerah, Nah di mana banyak sekali perusahaan yang sedang membuka bnayak lowongan kerja di bulan Mei 2017 ini, Nah PT Bahana sedang mengadakna rekrutmen besar- besaran untuk banyak posisi sebagai Secretary (SEC) Requirement, Nah lowongan kerja ini di peruntukan untuk anda lulusan S1 sesaui dengan jurusan. Jika kamu berminat silahkan baca info selengkapnya untuk cara melamar kerja di sana.
Deskripsi singkat profil perusahaan, PT. Bahana Securities, one of the subsidiary of PT Bahana Pembinaan Usaha Indonesia (Persero) was established in 1993 and member of the Indonesian Stock Exchange. Since its establishment up to this date BAHANA Securities strives and works hard to introduce innovation, contribution, commitment to play an important role in the development of Indonesian stock exchange development. PT. Bahana Securities is seeking
Pada saat ini perusahan tersebut sedang membuka banyak lowongan kerja untuk banyak posisi sebagai berikut:
Secretary (SEC) Requirement:
- Female with, Having min. 3 year of experience as secretary.
- Graduate from bachelor degree (min).
- Able to work as team.
- Fluently in English, both written and spoken.
- Having good persuasion, communication and interpersonal skills.
- Proactive and high initiative.
- Able to work under pressure and tight deadline.
- Responsible, Adaptive, and fast learner.
- Computer literate (especially Microsoft office).
If you are interested to join our company, please send us your CV or resume to recruitment@bahana.co.id (please make sure the email do not exceed 1MB) Please write the desire position on the email subject. Only qualified candidate will be processed. For further information please visit : http://ift.tt/2cBM7XO;
Sumber lowongan kerja: http://ift.tt/2qqS1Bk
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