Lowongan Kerja BUMN, Loker BUMN, Lowongan Kerja BUMN Terbaru Maret 2017 di PT. PGN LNG Indonesia (PGN LNG) diinformasikan oleh Pos Karir - Poskarir.com. Profil tentang PGN LNG adalah anak perusahaan PT. Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) tbk yang didirikan pada tanggal 26 Juni 2012 dengan tujuan mengembangkan usaha gas alam cair termasuk pencairan gas alam, penyimpanan dan pengapalan LNG, dan regasifikasi ke gas alam untuk mendukung bisnis utama PGN di bidang transportasi dan distribusi gas ke para pelanggan.
PT. PGN LNG Indonesia offer opportunities to highly talented people to build their professional career in LNG industry as :
Requirements :
- Holding a minimum D4 Degree in nautical
- Having the ability to coordinate with internal and external party
- Holding ANT 1 and mooring master class 1 certificate a must
- Having a minimum 3 years relevant working experience in
- Mooring Master class 1
- Terminal Operation; preferablly working experience as marine terminal superintendent in oil and gas company
- Good command of communicating in english
- Computer literate (able to operate MS Office and internet)
- Having strong integrity and ability to work in a team
How to apply
Please send your application with a full detailed CV and other supporting documents by email to :
Human Resources Manager, email : sdm@pgnlng.co.id
Notes :
- Put the position code "MOM" on the email subject
- Closing date 31 March 2017
- All applications will be treated confidentially
- Only short-listed candidates will be notified
- Source
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